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Daniella Sjöberg avatar
Written by Daniella Sjöberg
Updated over 3 months ago
  • Q: How do I track subscriber changes, such as new contracts or renewals, over a period?

    A: Use the Subscriber Movement report, which includes all subscriber activity within the date range. Specify fromDate and toDatefor accurate filtering.

  • Q: Can I identify which subscriptions were acquired via a particular marketing campaign?

    A: The Active subscriptions report includes data regarding discount codes used when purchasing the products, therefore you can filter by a specific code to see particular marketing campaigns

  • Q: How do I see a list of all canceled subscriptions over a date range?

    A: Run the Churned Subscriptions report with fromDate and toDate set to your target period.

  • Q: Does churn report include reasons for cancellation?

    A: Yes, you can find the reason for cancellation for each churned subscription.

  • Q: Can I view all subscriptions that were active during a certain period?

    A: Yes, use the Active Subscriptions report, specifying fromDate and toDate for the active period of interest.

  • Q: How do I find recurring subscriptions that are going to be cancelled? A: Use the Active Subscriptions report, then filter subscriptions by their Will cancel at field to find those nearing expiration within a specific period.

  • Q: How can I check the balance of unutilized subscription fees up to a specific date?

    A: Use the Subscriptions Debt report, which shows the difference between paid fees and services utilized up to a specified atDate.

  • Q: Can I see the subscription debt broken down by product?

    A: Yes, there’s also a Subscriptions Debt Summary by Product report that organizes debt by product category.

  • Q: Is there a report for users who no longer have any active subscriptions?

    A: The Churned Users report lists all users who canceled their subscriptions within a specified range and do not have any active subscriptions.

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